A billionaire complaining about class warfare? 亿万富豪大倒阶级斗争苦水?
I have not seen The Hunger Games; not enough class warfare for me. 我还没看过饥饿游戏,对我来说片中的阶级斗争还不够(共和党将税务问题称为阶级斗争)。
Instead, the debate is stuck in the mud of class warfare. 相反,辩论将陷入阶级斗争的泥潭中。
But don't you think we're taking this class warfare thing a little too far? 可你不觉得,我们把这场阶级,冲突弄得有点过火了吗?
Republicans call it class warfare. 共和党人将这个想法称作是阶级斗争。
But some fear an upswelling of the kind of class warfare common in the late l9th century. 但也有人担心再次出现19世纪末普遍存在的那种阶层大战。
He's still playing class warfare, by constantly pretending everything he does is "for the middle class" in hopes to help his re-election hopes. 他还在玩阶级斗争,他通过设想的方式为“中产阶级”做的每一件事都是希望自己能连任。
The president responded to Republican and conservative Tea Party critics who have accused him of conducting "class warfare" by targeting the wealthy for tax increases. 奥巴马回应共和党以及保守派茶党,指责他以针对富人增税的方式,挑起“阶级斗争”的说法。
The university is a factory that makes weapons – ideological weapons – for class struggle, for class warfare, and trains people in their use. 大学是做武器–思想武器的工厂,为阶级斗争,阶级战争和训练人民怎么运用。
Some see this as class warfare. 一些人认为这是阶层斗争。
Stratagems analysis of a class of warfare systems based on Lanchester equation 基于Lanchester方程的一类作战系统谋略分析
Representation of Mutual Supplement of Confucianism and Taoism in Chenghua Over-glaze Colors The result was class warfare without ideological overtones on a grand and violent scale. 浅谈儒道互补思想在成化斗彩中的体现结果是酿成了不带意识形态色彩的规模巨大而激烈的阶级斗争。
Barack Obama, US president, has insisted that the wealthy pay higher taxes to help cut the deficit, a proposal that Republicans including Mr Romney have described as class warfare. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)坚持要提高富人的税率,以帮助削减赤字,而包括罗姆尼在内的共和党人形容这个提议是搞阶级斗争。
There really are two Americas, but they are not captured by the standard class warfare speeches that dramatise the gulf between the rich and the poor. 美国的确存在两个阶层,但标准的阶级斗争言论阐述得并不准确,它们夸大了富人与穷人的差距。
The result was class warfare without ideological overtones on a grand and violent scale. 结果是酿成了不带意识形态色彩的规模巨大而激烈的阶级斗争。
At the same time, those who are quick to label any expression of concern about rising inequality as misplaced or a product of class warfare are even further off base. 另一方面,一些人总是武断地认为,任何对不平等加剧的担忧都是不适当的,或者为其贴上阶级斗争产物的标签。这些人的说法则更加没有道理。